Monthly Archives: January 2024

Love With a Side of Pound Cake


She stood at the counter, a cherished recipe card in hand and flanked by two curious and very excited children. Their mission was to bake a pound cake for Daddy’s birthday. As they gathered ingredients, they peppered mom with questions about the couple whose picture was laminated on the back of the recipe card.

“That’s Gigi and Papa” she explained. She went on to tell them how their older siblings had loved to visit Gigi and Papa’s home on their daily walks.

More questions followed as these two wondered at how they hadn’t met the amazing couple. Mama said they were a kind older couple they met at church, who saw an opportunity to love on a young mom and her babies. They welcomed what others might consider an interruption. They repeatedly reassured the mama there was nothing in their home more valuable than those precious children of hers!

“Can we go see them?” The children wanted to meet them! Mama gently explained the couple was now in heaven. The little faces were somber. Mama went on to say that when she bakes this cake, she remembers the kindness and generosity of the couple. She told them she learned a very important thing from Gigi and Papa, to care more about people than about things. She wants her home to be like theirs, a place where people feel welcome and loved and cared for.

I was at the sink that morning, busying myself with the dishes while mama had some time with her littles. My mind wandered back to August, when we moved the oldest of those babies who had loved to visit Gigi and Papa to college. Among his prized possessions, the things he wanted to have with him in his very first apartment, was a collection of books given to him after Gigi and Papa passed away. As he had grown and learned to love to read, he had borrowed them, and a thoughtful family member made sure he had them to add to his collection after they passed. The books are valuable to him because of the memories of a place and people who made space for him, even as a child.

Gigi and Papa loved Jesus and their love for him was demonstrated in the way they eagerly welcomed every person God placed in their lives. Generous, cordial, pleasant and open, they opened their door and their hearts even to the littles who might make a mess of their lovely home. They practiced well the admonition of Peter to the early church to “Offer hospitality without grumbling.” I don’t know the final resting place of the dear couple, or what accolades might have been placed on the stone that marks the spot. But I know the lives they touched with the love of Christ are a living memorial to this one thing: they loved Jesus and they loved people. May it also be said of us, “They loved well”.