Category Archives: Uncategorized

Love With a Side of Pound Cake


She stood at the counter, a cherished recipe card in hand and flanked by two curious and very excited children. Their mission was to bake a pound cake for Daddy’s birthday. As they gathered ingredients, they peppered mom with questions about the couple whose picture was laminated on the back of the recipe card.

“That’s Gigi and Papa” she explained. She went on to tell them how their older siblings had loved to visit Gigi and Papa’s home on their daily walks.

More questions followed as these two wondered at how they hadn’t met the amazing couple. Mama said they were a kind older couple they met at church, who saw an opportunity to love on a young mom and her babies. They welcomed what others might consider an interruption. They repeatedly reassured the mama there was nothing in their home more valuable than those precious children of hers!

“Can we go see them?” The children wanted to meet them! Mama gently explained the couple was now in heaven. The little faces were somber. Mama went on to say that when she bakes this cake, she remembers the kindness and generosity of the couple. She told them she learned a very important thing from Gigi and Papa, to care more about people than about things. She wants her home to be like theirs, a place where people feel welcome and loved and cared for.

I was at the sink that morning, busying myself with the dishes while mama had some time with her littles. My mind wandered back to August, when we moved the oldest of those babies who had loved to visit Gigi and Papa to college. Among his prized possessions, the things he wanted to have with him in his very first apartment, was a collection of books given to him after Gigi and Papa passed away. As he had grown and learned to love to read, he had borrowed them, and a thoughtful family member made sure he had them to add to his collection after they passed. The books are valuable to him because of the memories of a place and people who made space for him, even as a child.

Gigi and Papa loved Jesus and their love for him was demonstrated in the way they eagerly welcomed every person God placed in their lives. Generous, cordial, pleasant and open, they opened their door and their hearts even to the littles who might make a mess of their lovely home. They practiced well the admonition of Peter to the early church to “Offer hospitality without grumbling.” I don’t know the final resting place of the dear couple, or what accolades might have been placed on the stone that marks the spot. But I know the lives they touched with the love of Christ are a living memorial to this one thing: they loved Jesus and they loved people. May it also be said of us, “They loved well”.

Silence the Voices Outside Your Head

Silence the Voices Outside Your Head

These are strange times.

Recently I heard our governor say that there were one hundred thousand more claims for unemployment assistance in March than all of last year. It’s unprecedented and the system couldn’t handle it. People are frustrated and desperate, tired of waiting and anxious for their future.

There there are the mask wars. Perfectly nice people are making harsh judgment about people who don’t wear them and other equally wonderful people are taking a hard stance against being told they must. It’s crossed the line to religion, with some declaring anyone not wearing a mask in public as not being Christlike.

Others are boldly redirecting errant shoppers who are walking the wrong way down an aisle at Publix, the place where shopping used to be a pleasure but now feels more like a twist up of Survivor and Amazing Race.

I firmly believe that whether you are anxiously awaiting the reopening of your nail salon or think we should shelter in place all summer you are a good person who is processing information and dealing with this “thing that’s going on” as best you know how.

The reason I believe that is I know you. I’ve had conversations with you and listened to your heart. You know who doesn’t believe that about you? The guy on the neighborhood app or the local Facebook page who loves to troll and bait and wait for a reaction.

About a year ago I listened to a podcast by Emily P. Freeman. She talked about the need to assess anxiety triggers in everyday routine. I began paying attention to the things that appeared in my inbox, in my social media feeds and the things I was listening to and reading.

While I couldn’t silence them all, I identified a number that I realized I was choosing to allow into my space. To begin, I followed Emily’s advice and turned off all notifications on my smartphone. I moved social media apps to the last page on my phone, where they were less tempting when answering a text message or using navigation.

The biggest trigger I identified was from Facebook groups. I realized that the level of rude and unkind behavior there was causing me to waver between anger and sadness. I left the groups just like I would walk away from a conversation overheard in a coffee shop.

My next step was to begin unfollowing people. When I encountered a post that caused me to begin to tremble in my spirit, or to feel fussy, irritated or bothered, I chose to quiet that voice. I began to ignore with intention the voices that were outside of my true circle of influence and physical space by unfollowing and unfriending.

Two years later, I still don’t want to argue or watch others argue but I’ve realized that’s become the new normal. So here I am again, doing the work to silence the source of the trembling.

We each have a measure of energy for every day; some more than others, but everyone is limited. In times like these, when taking care of ourselves and those around us is critical, I want my choices, my conversations and my mental, physical and spiritual energy to be for things that matter.

I’ll close today with a prayer for us, my dear friends and readers:

Father God,

We don’t know when this storm will pass (or if it will at all) but we know you, the one who promised to be with us in every storm. Our bodies are tired, our minds are overwhelmed by the data, and our spirits are heavy with the weight of it all. Many are anxious over lost wages, poor health and stressed relationships. There are so many things that cannot and should not be silenced. But in your loving kindness grant us wisdom the silence the voices that we should. You are our God, we are your people. Today, may we hear your voice.

In the name of and by the grace granted to us through Christ,


Be Well. Be Safe. Be the compassion of Christ. And Beware: if you see me in Publix and I’m walking the wrong way, I am not being deliberately thoughtless but more likely overwhelmed. I’m a nice Southern lady but if you have the nerve to tell me I’m going the wrong way my response may be less church lady and more Tasmanian devil.

By grace alone,


If you would like to hear more from Emily P. Freeman, I highly recommend her Tuesday podcast, The Next Right Thing. You can find it on any podcast application.

What Are We Riding Next? ~ In Search of Joy

What Are We Riding  Next? ~ In Search of Joy

All around them loud, excited screams of riders rose above the roar of the ride. Next to his dad, he was silent but the expression on his face was anything but quiet. Mouth open wide around a huge grin, arms raised with hands high over his head, he was having the time of his life. In those moments, everything was right with him.

As quickly as it had started, the ride screeched to a stop.

Expectant brown eyes looked up at his Daddy. “What are we riding next?”

This third week of advent, the celebration of JOY, brought this memory to mind. It seems that joy can be elusive. We have moments, or pockets or seasons of joy. But it seems that of all the expressions of pleasure or happiness, joy is the one that people seem always in pursuit of.

Perhaps part of the issue is our confusion between happiness and joy. Happiness is a response to getting the thing I want, of well-being or success. Whether for oneself or for others, happiness seems to be the result of good fortune.

Joy is more of a deep sense of satisfaction and contentment, a certain abiding in the present without striving. It’s the result of practicing our faith in God even when our circumstances are not the best. As we remembered last week, we are not hopeless; our Savior came to ensure that we have hope in eternity with him!

As I’ve searched my own heart, I realize that joy can be found when I focus on just a few things. This is far from a four-step process to guarantee joy, but I hope it helps you as you look forward to Christmas.

  • Be still, but quiet the negative voices in your head. Spend some time in God’s Word.
  • Step away from social media, especially if the holidays are particularly hard time for you. And don’t feel bad about cleaning up your follow list if certain people or sites trigger you!
  • Practice gratitude. Keep a journal and write something that brings you joy. It’s a great place to go when you need a reminder.
  • Look for someone who might need someone to come alongside them this season. Visit a local nursing home or pet shelter. Joy bubbles up in service to others.

And the rest of the story? When that little boy looked up into his Daddy’s face with that question, a patient voice responded. “Little Buddy, I’m not sure what’s next, but that sure was fun! Let’s talk about what we liked best.”

Today, friend, I’m not sure what’s next. You may be facing some uncertain days, but I pray that joy will come to you as you settle into focusing on the good rides you’ve taken and the people you’ve shared them with.

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news
that will cause great joy for all the people.
Luke 2:10

Wishing for you…JOY,


What Do You Say?

What Do You Say?

Gratitude. It’s defined as thankful appreciation for something received, whether tangible or intangible. Many of us were taught from a young age that the expression of gratitude for something received is polite and even expected, right?

Last weekend we participated in a Trunk or Treat event. As the costumed children approached, their parents prompted “What do you say?” With few exceptions, the child would respond “Thank you” even though the expectant parent was looking for “Trick or Treat!” The children have a conditioned response to the question “What do you say?”

We are entering into a season of thankfulness and I must confess that my conditioned response too often is less “Thank you” and more “Really? Is that the best you’ve got?”

Now, before you decide I’m an unusually ungrateful person, think for a hot minute about your daily interactions. We often fail to slow enough to truly appreciate the many little opportunities each day presents for thanksgiving. We overlook some of the small but sweet moments of our day.

Yet scientific research affirms the positive impact of gratitude, the expression of thanks. In the article cited below, researchers found that for most who participated in a focus group, making a written inventory of things they were thankful for had a positive impact on their overall well-being.

In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.” [i]

November seems to be a great time to set aside a few minutes each day to list the things we are thankful for. I’m challenging some friends to join me in the following, trusting that by the end of the month we will be more positive, feel better physically and be generally more pleasant for others to be around. Here’s the assignment:

  • Daily: List three things you are thankful for – while it might be tempting to jot the same three every day (spouse, children, parents, for example) try to dig a little deeper and look back on interactions, small acts of kindness, etc. that you experienced throughout your day. You can utilize a small journal or even a calendar to make your daily list.
  • Weekly: Act on your gratitude – send a hand-written note, call or text someone who did more than they had to, speak to the store manager about that employee who went the extra mile or write out a prayer thanking God for his blessings,  answered prayers and faithfulness.
  • At least once during the month: Lavish thanksgiving on someone – spend time with them; whether your budget allows a special meal out or having them over for coffee, just do it! Invite them to lunch or meet for a walk with focused time for you to express to them how they’ve made a difference and to simply say “thanks”.

My hope and prayer for myself is that at the end of the month, my conditioned response to even my very normal days will be “Thank you!”. I trust that I will be happier, more content and much more pleasant because of my awareness of life’s daily blessings. Will you join me?

“I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of your wonderful deeds.”
Psalm 9:1 NIV

With gratitude,



[i] Excerpt from

Escaping the Bonds of Earth


I’m tens of thousands of feet in the air as I type.

For two weeks I’ve been carefully matching clothes to the days we will be away. I’ve planned every outfit leading up to the main event, a wedding.

I laid them all out on the bed in the guest room and finally last night I moved the stacks into the suitcase.

This morning as I went through my morning routine, I carefully packed every lotion, potion and brush needed to ensure I was presentable. Hubby and I checked and rechecked the gifts for family members, the notebook he would need for the wedding and other critical items.

As we boarded the plane and sent last minute texts to my cousin who would meet us at our gate. I noticed a Facebook message from a friend. I read it with a heavy heart. Her mom is in her last days.

On a plane between heaven and earth, I’m thinking of my sweet friend’s mama. She is on the brink of eternity, a journey like no other; in limbo, so close to heaven and yet still very much present on earth.

Waiting at her arrival gate? Jesus.

In many ways, she’s prepared for the journey for years. With intention she’s planned her life around knowing Him, about pointing others to Him and being ready to meet him when she finally arrives at heavens gate.

She’s ready; her body is weary of this place we inhabit that Lisa Terkeurst refers to as the space between two gardens. Her life, as I’ve seen it, has been filled with a “longing for the place where we will walk in the garden with him again. Where we will finally have peace and security and eyes that no longer leak tears…and hearts that are no longer broken.”

As I prayed for my friend, as I considered her mama’s arrival in heaven; I thought about my angst over a simple trip for a few days out of town. I realized that in spite of my careful and detailed packing, we forgot something important.

And yet, her mama will arrive at heavens gate with nothing in her hands.

“Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.””

‭‭Job‬ ‭1:21‬ ‭NIV‬‬

She is ready to receive her reward and to greet her sweet family and friends who have arrived already. Her preparation had nothing to do with gathering stuff and everything to do with sharing the love of Jesus.

Thanks for all you’ve taught us, Memaw. I’m praying for you. When you arrive in heaven, please give Sandy a big hug for me.

With hope in Christ alone,

Lysa Terkeurst quote from “It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way”, releasing November 13th.

One Small Thing

One Small Thing

She approached the well in the heat of the day, expecting to quietly draw water in solitude and peace. There was a man there, but she mostly ignored him.

“Will you give me a drink?”

It was a small request, so ordinary. She was surprised, though. She was a woman, a Samaritan woman. She would expect to be ignored or even shunned by this Jewish man.

You may be familiar with this Biblical account of Jesus’ encounter with the woman at the well. It’s a well-known and often shared story of Jesus’ compassion and a woman’s response.

Just a couple of days ago, as I sat with a couple of friends, we visited this passage again. It was one of those moments when a familiar passage suddenly reads a bit differently and speaks to me with a new challenge.

The woman immediately began to complicate the simple request.

  • Why are you asking me? You know I’m not the best person for the job.
  • What do you mean you could give me a drink? You have nothing to draw with.
  • Hey, let’s talk about where we should worship.

His confirmation: I am He.

For the first time in many readings and hearings of this woman’s encounter with Jesus, I saw the simplicity of his request and I saw myself in the woman.

How often does he ask us do a similar simple, small thing?

  • Walk outside and speak to the young mom and her children as they pass by on their walk.
  • Fix a plate for the widower down the street.
  • Buy a cup and a snack for that college student studying at the local coffee shop.
  • Send a card to someone who is hurting, just to remind them that someone cares.
  • Walk into the next room and really listen to a child or your spouse for ten minutes.

He does, and too often I respond just as she did, denying the power of the love of Christ in me and for others.

  • Why me?
  • I don’t have the resources.
  • What if it’s weird or uncomfortable for me (or them)?
  • I’m just too busy.

But it is in the small acts of kindness that we unleash the power of his love. What if we knew that the small things of every day could be huge in the kingdom of God?

I’m committed to paying attention to opportunities in the mundane and the everyday. Will you join me, friends, as we hear Jesus asking us to do one small thing today?

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the things he planned for us long ago.

Ephesians 2:10

Share with me in the comments…how have you seen him use your “one small thing”?

By grace alone,







It’s Not Fine!

It’s Not Fine!

I was out running an errand at lunch when I heard a text alert. The message was brief. “I’m praying for you all. Everything’s going to be fine.”

My chest tightened and I had a moment right there in the greeting card aisle at Hobby Lobby even as hymns played on the store background music. “Easy for you to say!” I angrily spewed under my breath.

The text was in response to a group message recently sent by a member of my family. Her daughter’s cancer had been in remission – but it’s active again. The news shared is sobering. Her health is deteriorating rapidly. She’s not fine and there is no assurance that she’s going to be fine.

Fine means in good health and feeling well. As much as that is our prayer and hope for her, today she is struggling with serious medical issues. That response appears to minimize the gravity of her condition and the normal maternal response to it.

The people closest to her are faced constantly with the reality of her current condition, regardless of their hope for complete healing and wellness.

I quickly sent a private text to this dear momma, assuring her that people mean well but say dumb things.

Perhaps I reacted so passionately out of empathy. I’ve recently been told the same about another situation that is far from “fine”. It is gut-wrenching, frightful, and agonizing. The tentacles of it have infiltrated and lodged themselves deep into the lives of real people, people who still get out of bed every morning, wake the children, make the coffee and make a living to pay the bills and feed a family while this “situation” hangs over their heads like a storm cloud about to erupt.

The texter likely intended to convey positive thoughts or a message of faith in a few words. I’ve resolved to assume the best about people’s intentions and extend grace. To that end, my message today is intended to suggest thoughtful and compassionate responses to such hard things taking place in others’ lives.

There is an excellent Biblical example in Job’s friends. Though they eventually failed miserably, they got the three things I mentioned (mostly) right. Check out these points from Job: 2:11-13 (ESV)

  • They came to him when he was suffering. “Now when Job’s three friends heard of all this evil that had come upon him, they came each from his own place…they made an appointment together to come to show him sympathy and comfort him.”
  • They empathized with him.“..they raised their voices and wept, and they tore their robes and sprinkled dust on their heads toward heaven.”
  • They spent time with him.“And they sat with him on the ground seven days and seven nights…”

Thankfully, today’s social norms don’t include tearing of clothing or scattering of dust! Your presence will be a blessing.
Show up. As soon as possible, set aside a few minutes to speak by phone or in person. Ask appropriate questions and demonstrate genuine concern. Let your friend know you are engaged and available to them. Encourage them to endure; remind them that God sees their pain. Keep showing up – this will require intention, but isn’t your friend worth it?

Follow up. Even if it means putting an item on your calendar for a couple of weeks away, send a card, call or text. Remind them that you have not forgotten and are still praying.

If you’ve read the full book of Job, you know that his friends didn’t remain silent for long. In fact, they droned on and on under the assumption that Job’s suffering was the result of sin in his life. Get this if you don’t get anything else: like Job’s friends, we may know a lot about the Bible but we don’t know the mind or heart of God. Leave it alone.

“Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep.” Romans 12:15 (ESV)

By His grace alone,


Things Can’t Get Worse, Right….?

Things Can’t Get Worse, Right….?

I remember it well. The days leading up to and following the new year everyone was on Facebook proclaiming that this one just had to be better than last. I recall thinking “Maybe you’d better buckle up, because things can always get worse” but refraining from typing the words because I’m an adult. With a brain. And some common sense. Well, most of the time.

Then the unthinkable happened. 2018 roared in like a lion on steroids with a ravenous appetite for my family. Perhaps there is a similar lion in your world; I’m sort of busy over here manipulating a chair and whip while nursing bloody wounds where hearts are supposed to beat with joy and anticipation, but I see you there. This is for you, friend.

  • Well-meaning people are going to ask questions like “Are you okay?” when they know full well you can’t possibly be okay. The only correct answer is the honest one. If you are not okay, let it be known. If they care, an arm will slip around your shoulder and they will stick around without judgment for the tears and whatever else leaks out of you. If they don’t, they’ll find a quick excuse to walk away but they’ll know the truth…and so will you.
  • You might be mad. Did you know that’s okay? I have it on the authority of King David that God can handle our anger, so trust me on this one. He isn’t creating our difficulties, but He is aware of them and we can vent to the one who knows it all and loves unconditionally.
  • Get ready to be amazed. There are two extremes and you will experience both. There are going to people who won’t be willing to join you in your misery. When I say that I’m not referring to some pity party, rather the reality that is your present circumstance. In the words of the icy Disney princess, let them go. Or in the words of Taylor Swift, shake them off. Either way…be done with them. They aren’t worth your limited energy. But you are also going to be blown away by the people who see you and respond with the purest of love. These are not the “Go, keep warm and be well fed” church crowd that James warns of; they are the ones who show up with whatever you need, usually before you know you need it. You might not even know them yet, but they love Jesus and you.
  • Step away from social media. In the middle of your hard season you don’t need to be constantly exposed to everyone else’s highlight reels. Do ask your friends to share their greatest joys with you personally – send those cute photos and funny memes right to your phone or inbox.
  • Continue doing the things you love with the people you love as much as possible. Live even when it feels like you might die.

If you have a friend who is in this place right now, may I suggest some things you can do for them?

  • Stay in touch. Ask “How are you?” and be willing to hear an honest answer. Listen – with compassion and intention.
  • Ask what they need; make sure they know you sincerely want to help.
  • Pursue time together. Ask them to come for dinner/family game night/coffee. Insist, even if it means taking the food to their house and handling prep, serving and cleanup.
  • Share your joy. They not only can handle it, they need it.
  • Refrain from giving too much advice or opinion, especially if they have a team of professionals.
  • Pray for them and listen to God’s prompts for ways to help. Make it your goal to be their biggest encourager.

Trouble rushes in like a tidal wave of disgusting, powerful water and sweeps away normal. If you are barely keeping your head above water, keep treading. If the flood has subsided and you are faced with the muddy aftermath, keep trusting.

Hope and confidence in God is our lifeline; this is the verse that I return to again and again. I pray it encourages your heart as well.

Because of the Lord’s great love for us we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.
Lamentations 3:22-26

Waiting in hope,


Merry Broken Christmas

Merry Broken Christmas

We were driving into town for our granddaughter’s ballet recital when the call came. Less than three weeks until Christmas and his mother had suddenly died. His life is in pieces as he navigates toward some sort of new normal.

Just yesterday I exchanged texts with a friend. An affair has fractured her child’s marriage; her family is broken.

A young father we know is facing certain death unless he gets a heart transplant. This dear couple and their children are hanging onto a thread of hope this holiday season. His heart is literally broken.

I watched her grow up; she and my daughter were friends. Tomorrow she faces her first Christmas without her son, tragically killed in an accident. Her grief is palpable. Her world is shattered.

Maybe as you read this, you are overcome by your own broken places.

We lament. Of all times, why do these things have to happen at Christmas?

Tonight I stood next to my husband as we celebrated Christmas eve with our church family and I reflected on that first Christmas.

Mary and Joseph found a stall in the stable behind a local inn. We don’t know the details; maybe a midwife was summoned to assist with the birth. But when Jesus was born, he was wrapped in rags and laid in a borrowed manger. There was no room for him in the inn.

“While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.” Luke 2:6-7

As I thought about his meager beginning, I had a sort of epiphany. Fast forward about thirty-three years to the first Easter. After a brutal series of events, Jesus body was bruised and beaten (but not broken!). His garments had been gambled away by the soldiers. He hung naked on a wooden cross.

They laid his body in a borrowed tomb, and later he was wrapped in linen grave clothes that were not his own.

“Going to Pilate, he (Joseph) asked for Jesus’ body. Then he took it down, wrapped it in a linen cloth and placed it in a tomb cut in the rock, one in which no one had yet been laid.” Luke 23:52-53

It was because of our brokenness that Jesus came.

He isn’t put off by our mess; he stepped from heaven into a filthy stable and was laid in a feeding trough for animals. The place was not fit for people and certainly not a king.

He specializes in brokenness; in fact, he will come and sit with us in the middle of it. Emmanuel. God with us.

Life has taught me that perfect days and good times can be risky and dangerous. When we achieve our notion of perfection, we don’t recognize our need for him.

But in the brokenness, we see it.

I am sorry if you are walking through a season of brokenness this Christmas. I’ve been there; my heart aches for you.

More, Jesus sees you. He came for you and this season of pain. Invite him in and know that he is fine with the mess.

I have to confess; this Christmas, I want to be broken enough to see my need for Jesus.

I want to be the stable, not the inn.

Merry Christmas, even if  it’s broken…


What Do You Want?


What do you want_2

When standing at a crossroad of decision, do you ask yourself what you want?

Of course there are lots of factors to consider, but knowing what you want is a key component to making the right choice.

This week I revisited a familiar passage in the Gospel of Mark.

Jesus, along with a large contingent of followers, was passing through Jericho. It had been a long day of teaching as they plodded along dusty paths and cobblestone streets. As they were leaving the crowded city, a voice called out to Jesus.

Bartimaeus, blind since birth, sat near the edge of the city. Daily, he assumed his position, begging for alms from the passers by.

On this day, he heard that Jesus was nearby and began shouting for him. “Son of David, have mercy on me!”

The crowd chided him to hush.

But Jesus heard. “Call him.”

His next words were spoken directly to Bartimaeus.

“What do you want me to do for you?”

For you. Not for the world, not for your neighbor, not for the terminally ill leper sitting next to you…you.

Most likely, Bartimaues was hungry. He may have longed for a good home or a hot meal. His belongings were meager. His needs were many.

Bartimaeus spoke from the depths of his soul. He knew precisely what he would ask of the Rabbi.

“I want to see.”

That blind beggar knew that every other desire and need hinged on his deepest longing. He wanted his sight.

There is a stirring in my soul. The question begs an answer, this question that Jesus is still asking us as we cry out to him.

“What do you want me to do for you?”

Unlike Bartimaeus, we waffle in indecision. We struggle with answers to life’s constant questions because we haven’t decided what we want.

When I’m faced with a decision or even a choice, I often go to Jesus in prayer, looking for answers. I ask and ask what I should do and he answers.

What do YOU want?

Consider an example. You’ve been asked to serve on a committee. It’s a worthwhile cause and you like the people involved. The experience gained would be great for your personal development. So far, the answer sounds like a simple “yes”.

Because you have learned to value of being thoughtful and prayerful in your answers, you go to Jesus.

Perhaps his reply to you will be the same as to Bartimaues.

“What do you want?”

This is where it can get sticky, because like Bartimaeus, you have needs and desires that will distract you from what you want.

They are all good things, but suppose a deep desire of your heart is to build more intimacy with your mate?

Perhaps you long for some slow, measured time with your children during the golden hour of each evening.

How will this “yes” impact those?

Jesus didn’t tell Bartimaeus what he needed. He asked him what he wanted. Don’t let good things distract you from the best.

“Take delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.”

Psalm 37:4 NIV


Delighted by his grace,


Friends, this is such a milestone…my one hundredth post! Talk about getting what your heart wants….God has been so good to me in this writing journey. Thanks to each of you who has encouraged and followed as I pen stories of his grace all around. I love you each!